For more than a year we have faced the COVID-19 epidemic, which officially started on March 11, 2020 when the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global epidemic. It has been more than a year since the WHO announced on January 5, 2020 that the mysterious virus originated in Wuhan, China. Since then, more than half a million Americans have died from the virus. Although we now understand more about SARS-CoV-2, we still have a long way to go.

Recent US covid 19 cases

Although our fair share has been affected by the epidemic and a number of infection control measures have been put in place, it is still important to maintain awareness of the scale of the problem. Here’s a quick rundown of the most important current statistics and stats.

recent us covid 19 cases
recent us covid 19 cases

Current US vaccination numbers:

The daily number of controlled doses of the vaccine has fallen since mid-April and is now 2.12 million per day, a 37 percent reduction from when the vaccine peaked on April 13. More than 46 percent of people in the United States have received at least one dose, and about 60 percent of those over the age of 18 have had at least one stroke. President Biden has said he wants at least 70 percent of Americans shot by at least July 4. About 45 percent of adults are fully immunised. A total of 153.4 million people living in the United States received a single dose, and more than 116.5 million received two Modern or Pfizer pistols or Johnson & Johnson rifles.

These are the top five provinces with at least one percent of the population:

  • Vermont is at 62 percent
  • In Massachusetts 61 percent
  • Hawaii is at 59 percent
  • Connecticut is at 58 percent
  • New Hampshire is at 58 percent

All states have achieved at least 25 percent vaccination, with Connecticut and Maine leading at 45 percent and Mississippi at 25 percent.

Current cases of COVID-19 in the United States

The United States has reported more than 32.5 million total cases, and as of May 10, there were an average of 39,124 new cases each day. From February to April there were long, even short levels, but since the middle of last month the cases have fallen again.

Testing ratings for COVID-19 are down slightly from their January peak, meaning the number of cases doesn’t exactly match winter statistics. But even the low expectations were low, which ensured that the virus was significantly reduced. It is important to heed the warnings indicating this decline. The most important thing is that everyone gets vaccinated as soon as possible. Every adult in the United States today is eligible, so we can all help end the epidemic.

Corona virus statistics around the world

In terms of overall prices, the top 10 countries with COVID-19 at the moment are:

  • USA
  • India
  • In Brazil
  • In France
  • Kigali
  • Russia
  • Great Britain
  • Italy
  • Spanish
  • German

But usually these countries are like most people. The full list of cases per 100,000 people tells a very different story (except for countries with fewer than 100,000 people):

  • Montenegro
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovenia
  • Bahrain
  • Luxembourg
  • Aruba
  • Serbia
  • United States of America
  • Sweden
  • Moldova

The United States was the only one on the list, which was a testament to the seriousness of the epidemic, at first. All other countries with the highest debt are usually considered the most densely populated.

While still following the United States in about 10 million cases, the current epidemic plagues India, a major driver of rising global crime. Argentina, Uruguay, Sweden, the Netherlands and Lithuania also face high infection rates.

Latest COVID-19 locations in the United States

In states such as Michigan, New York and New Jersey, the number of cases continues to decline, and Michigan is still considered one of the most dangerous provinces to infect. Other high-risk states include Minnesota, Florida, and Pennsylvania, and some areas are considered low or moderate risk. Louisiana, Arkansas and New Mexico had the highest rates, with overall population growth of between 12 and 15 percent over the past two weeks.

Read Also: The US joined the push to waive COVID-19 vaccine patents

At least 579,366 Americans have died from COVID-19, according to the CDC. There were an average of 37,387 clinic days in the past week, down 16 percent over the past two weeks. An average of 650 people still die every day from COVID.

While vaccines carry light at the end of the tunnel, including a national drug from Johnson & Johnson, COVID-19 is indeed everywhere today, and the impact of the new variant remains to be seen. It’s just as important to be vigilant now as it was when the epidemic started.

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